Monday, January 23, 2012

Look up....Way up!

Yesterday we spent the entire day on the beach. Grand Cayman closes all stores on the Sabbath Day. Donna and Tammy got into the ocean and snorkelled. Karen read an entire book while soaking up the sun. Debbie went back and forth trying to stay in the shade. I took pictures of coral, shells, cruise ships.......and then some ladies on the beach called me over to look up....way up in the palm tree over the dock. This lovely, content couple perched in the tree for most of the day. They are so camouflaged in the trees that no one saw them for hours.
But when we went in for lunch, they must have came down and fed. Okay...I am good with that.
We settle back on the beach after our bellies are full and I continue to take pictures of a pelican that has come to fish for his lunch. Until Tammy says "Angela look that way." OMG!
There is one of these beautiful lizards to the right of my beach chair about 5 feet away. He is making a crossing to get back to his palm tree. I get out of my chair, quickly, but gently, because I am terrified and start taking a video of my new BFF crossing. We quickly realize, his partner is also coming across. How incredible? They take their time and both get safely to their favourite perch.
The video, if interested is on Facebook. I cannot quite

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